A broken Trust

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When I was just a child my parents taught me the right manners. And one of it is to be honest and not to tell lies. As time goes by, in my high school days I met friends with different attitudes. I choose to hang out with the 'BI' Bad Influence students that's what the teachers told. I enjoy hanging with them because I thought it is really exciting and more fun everyday. I really liked the freedom that I've been experiencing.

Broken Trust
My mind is not working it is totally block when my parents told me that I disappointed them and hurt them so much. After all what they have done to me and the goodness they have given me but what did I do? I break their trust on me.
Is there another way to build a broken trust? Can I be trusted again in every words I say when they already know that I told them lies once. These are the questions that rumbles in my mind.So, I talked to my parents and I asked them to forgive me, about the things I've done. And to asked them to give me another chance to prove I'm willing to win back their trust on me. I cannot promise that I wont tell lies again but as long as I can get rid of it then I will. But my parents love me so much that they can forgive me and they're trying to understand me.Being with them is like a bird that's free to fly anywhere no matter how far the distance is. I'm free to do the things that I cant do in front of my parents. I'm becoming vicious. I know whats right and wrong but I keep on doing it. Everyday I tell lies to my parents, every time they asked me what took me so long? I answered them I went to the library to research some important lessons. Everyday I always have a reason to tell lies in every questions they asked.There was a time when my mother asked me why is my uniform has the smell of a cigarette? but then again I told her lies. 'Till one time I get home late at night my father noticed that my face is red and my breath smells an alcohol. In morning as I woke up my parents confronted me and they asked what happen to me? and what happen to my grades why I have a failing grades? That time I know there's no excuse for me to tell another lies.There are different kinds of lie and it depends upon the situation. I can tell that it is easy to tell lies than to fix the trust that was once broken, because of telling lies.